The GIANTS (Green Intelligent Affordable New Transport Solutions) EU project

Pour info:

"The GIANTS (Green Intelligent Affordable New Transport Solutions) EU project offers technology solutions that enable the production of affordable light electric vehicles (L5, L6 and L7) for global urban traffic.

How can the millions of tuk-tuks in the world’s cities be replaced by clean electric vehicles? To enable the change, the production of new vehicles must be local, technically simple and cost-effective.

The GIANTS project wants to respond to this need by building a concept of compatible « Lego blocks », where the interfaces of the car’s functions are standardized and pre-planned. The vehicle can be assembled from compatible standard parts with little expertise. The standard blocks are scalable so that different variations are possible.

In the GIANTS project, the partners develop modularity, scalability and interoperability for light electric vehicles as well as innovative charging and energy optimization solutions. The technology includes a portable battery, scalable e-powertrain, standardized vehicle control system and integrated solar panels. In addition, the project develops the concept of recycling, reuse and renovation. The project also provides a tool that allows third parties to design their own vehicles.

The project’s partners are 24 significant specialist companies or research institutes, which have been assigned their own technical areas of responsibility. Among partners are Renault, Toyota Motor Europe and the French company Valeo Equipments Moteur, which is responsible for the compatibility of parts and functions. Small vehicle manufacturers include Clean Motion from Sweden, whose EVIG model Valoe has already delivered solar panels for.

The GIANTS project lasts 3.5 years and its cost budget is 15 MEUR, of which 12 MEUR is a grant.

Valoe’s task is to develop the efficiency, duration, cost competitiveness and technological standard of the integrated panel system in such a way that the use of solar electricity becomes possible in L-class vehicles. The development of compatibility should make it possible to connect the solar panels to standardized vehicles with simple tools. The project partners Clean Motion, Squad Mobility and TUX mobility, will test drive the PV module concept in Sweden, Belgium and India.

The results of the project are evaluated in terms of platform usability, manufacturability, vehicle operation, user acceptance, environmental benefits and business viability. The potential of GIANTS technology is estimated to be 1.5 million vehicles sold annually from 2028 onwards.